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[客座] 烏干達天空下 (拾貳) – 等待

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It can be hard to adjust to the new concept of time in the program country. What takes one day to do at home could take 2 weeks in the program country because of delays, weather, power shortage, or relying on people who do not have the same sense of urgency. Are you a flexible person who could cope with this challenge?


上面那個問題是 GVN 在我出發前問我的問題,他想要知道對於不同時間觀念的人,我能否適應或是你該如何調整你自己,算是一種行前的測驗,看看來申請的義工是不是符合他們所期望的。


I am a flexible person but I think I still need time to adjust myself to a new environment especially in the program country. That is the reason why I apply for two months in this program. Life can be so different in another country because of culture and other facts. I do not think facing a different concept of time will be a challenge to me, contrary, I consider it is going to be an interesting and unforgettable experience. Sometime it is easier to change your concept than to change the environment or other people’s opinions. I will try to merge myself to a different concept of time. Interestingly, because I live in busy cities for more than 20 years, I expect to stay in a place where people have different concepts of time. I might be able to learn different views life from them.


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