Genre: Jazz
Country: Japan
– Hiromi / piano, keyboards
– David Fiuczynski / fretted and fretless guitar
– Tony Grey / bass
– Martin Valihora – drums
個人相當喜愛的爵士樂鋼琴手 – Hiromi Uehara 今年又推出新作品了!其實三月就發行了,但好一陣子沒注意她的消息,直到上個月才發現!到上揚唱片行很順利買到了;這張依然是 Telarc 發行,錄音品質有一定保證,還有 SACD 版本哦!
《Time Control》非常精采,除了已合作三張專輯、默契十足的三人固定班底,這次增加了電吉他手 – David Fiuczynski,此舉讓充滿爆發力、創意的 Hiromi 鋼琴演奏,多了個相映、可與之競爭的旋律線,電吉他單音的延續性為音樂添加了不同的線條,整體音樂的層次感、音色也更豐富、多變了!無怪乎 Hiromi 會為團名加上副標「Hiromi’s Sonicbloom」,聽其音樂腦中浮現的正是盛開的音樂之花連綿不斷的景致。
《Time Control》同時也是一張關於時間的概念專輯,每首曲目都與時間有關,booklet 中每首曲目下也皆有副標,都是 Hiromi 對於「時間」的各種想法,聆聽時配合著閱讀,猜測其音樂安排上的用心,蠻有意思。
專輯封面與上一張《Spiral》的神祕、優雅不同,活潑、較為誇張的造型,與此張專輯的音樂很搭。個人覺得《Spiral》中的 Hiromi 較為深沉,編曲綿密厚重,長篇幅的曲目展現其作曲的能力與對音樂表現的駕馭力,但相對的,Hiromi 音樂中原本的爆炸性、奔放感就比較少出現;《Time Control》則取得了更好的平衡點,音樂毫不凝滯的流瀉,以前那種聽她音樂坐不住的感覺又回來了!
以下為曲目名稱以及 booklet 中的副標:
1. Time Difference [6:21]
When one side of the world is sleeping. the other side of the world is wide awake.
2. Time Out [6:37]
It is time to be out there…in many different ways.
3. Time Travel [8:34]
Time travels back and forth. Even though it is not possible yet physically. you can make it happen with your mind.
4. Deep into the Night [8:55]
What is up with the power of night? What is it that makes people feel so emotional?
5. Real Clock vs. Body Clock = Jet Lag [5:51]
Something that you always need to fight with when you are on the road.
6. Time and Space [7:55]
Take yout time, enjoy your space.
7. Time Control, or Controlled by Time [8:29]
With such a hectic life nowadays in this world. are you controlling the time in your day. or are you controlled by time.
8. Time Flies [8:00]
I want to feel every precious secondof my life. which you can miss very quickly.
9. Time’s Up [0:45]
To be continued…
沒記錯的話,上一張「Spiral」誠品有,第二張「Brain」我也是在上揚唱片找到的,第一張「Another Mind」比較難找,可能要跟國外訂;